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Limpios, simples y elegantes: estos gabinetes con estilo empotrado exudan simplicidad pero generan entusiasmo a través de su contraste con otros colores y texturas cercanos en una cocina.
Ofrecemos una variedad de gabinetes de tocador premontados de KZ Kitchen y GoldenHome.
Koozzo y Dawn también ofrecen conjuntos de gabinetes listos para ensamblar.
Descubra sus estilos de gabinetes favoritos entre nuestras más de 20 colecciones.
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We offer a variety of pre-assembled vanity cabinets from KZ Kitchen and GoldenHome.
Ready-to-assemble cabinet sets are also available from Koozzo and Dawn.
Discover your favorite cabinet styles from our 20+ collections.
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Hauslane 30-in. 860 CFM Wall Mounted Range Hood

Range Hood
Número de modo:
29-3/4" x 19-3/4" x 29" - 44"
Powerful single motor captures odors and fumes, ideal for heavy-duty cooking methods including heat, and smoke; boiling, steaming, poaching, braising, frying, searing, and sauteing
Black stainless steel finish for a modern aesthetic
Dishwasher-safe baffle filters catch grease before it has a chance to drip
Convert to ductless with our effective charcoal filters (sold separately). These filters trap grease particles from fumes and deodorize cooking smells.
High ceilings? No problem. This range hood can fit kitchens with up to 10 foot ceiling with our extension kit (sold separately). Adjustable height: 29” - 44”
Simple to use electronic buttons that illuminated by LED
Vent hood comes with bright, energy-saving LED light, a 6-inch round adapter with dampers. Fits 6”duct.
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