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Limpios, simples y elegantes: estos gabinetes con estilo empotrado exudan simplicidad pero generan entusiasmo a través de su contraste con otros colores y texturas cercanos en una cocina.
Ofrecemos una variedad de gabinetes de tocador premontados de KZ Kitchen y GoldenHome.
Koozzo y Dawn también ofrecen conjuntos de gabinetes listos para ensamblar.
Descubra sus estilos de gabinetes favoritos entre nuestras más de 20 colecciones.
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We offer a variety of pre-assembled vanity cabinets from KZ Kitchen and GoldenHome.
Ready-to-assemble cabinet sets are also available from Koozzo and Dawn.
Discover your favorite cabinet styles from our 20+ collections.
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Bosch 30-in. Gas Cooktop, 4 Burners

Número de modo:
30" x 21 1/4" x 3 7/8"
Sealed Burner
Burner that goes up to 16,000 BTU for boiling, searing, and stir frying.
OptiSim® Burner
Simmer delicate sauce and melt chocolate without scorching.
Electronic Re-Ignition
Will automatically re-ignite the burner in case the flame goes out.
Continuous Grates
Make moving heavy pots easier to another burner.
Stainless Steel Material
Makes the cooktop more durable, long lasting, and easier to clean from grease stain or another dirt.
LP Conversion Kit
Allow you to convert from natural gas to liquid propane.
Heavy Duty Black Metal Knob
Easily push and turn the knob to start ignite the burner.
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