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Limpios, simples y elegantes: estos gabinetes con estilo empotrado exudan simplicidad pero generan entusiasmo a través de su contraste con otros colores y texturas cercanos en una cocina.
Ofrecemos una variedad de gabinetes de tocador premontados de KZ Kitchen y GoldenHome.
Koozzo y Dawn también ofrecen conjuntos de gabinetes listos para ensamblar.
Descubra sus estilos de gabinetes favoritos entre nuestras más de 20 colecciones.
Muebles de tocador
We offer a variety of pre-assembled vanity cabinets from KZ Kitchen and GoldenHome.
Ready-to-assemble cabinet sets are also available from Koozzo and Dawn.
Discover your favorite cabinet styles from our 20+ collections.
Muebles de tocador
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Bosch 30-in. Built-In Smart Freezerless Refrigerator, Custom Panel Ready, Counter Depth

Número de modo:
30" x 24" x 84"
All LED sidewall and theater lighting
Full-height Door true Cabinet Integration without exposed venting grille
OptiFlex hinge
Accepts custom or stainless steel panels
Energy star qualified for energy efficiency
Home connect brings smart technology to your Bosch refrigerator
MultiAirFlow cooling system boosts air circulation for even temperature throughout
Power ventilation with airfresh filter, bring great air ventilation and meanwhile remove smell in housing with activated carbon in airfresh filter
Remotely monitor and control your refrigerator with the home connect app
Custom panel single door refrigerator
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